Replay webinaire disponible : "Comment rendre le pilotage du plan d'action plus efficace ?"

Notre FAQ

Find the answers to your most frequently asked questions.


Auditool does not store any audit data in clear text on its servers. The only nominative data processed by JUNE FACTORY are the identifiers used by the users to connect to Auditool.


Yes, you can write your own attack scripts in Python format. These scripts can then be used in the same way as the scripts provided by JUNE FACTORY with the PASSED license.


The battery change is fully supported by JUNE FACTORY in the MIOT offer (maintenance contract or rental contract). Only the shipment of the MIOT to our site in France is at your expense.


From 2 to 5 years. Lifetime varies greatly with the time spent in "battery" mode.


Yes, the MIOT has two power modes :

  • mains powered when the machine is switched on
  • battery operated when the machine is switched of

Thus, it is able to give the position of your machine regardless of their state.


Yes, the import of standards into Auditool is completely free. You can import your customized standards in Excel format.

For example, for internal control, you can import your internal control points in Auditool, then perform your internal audits on these internal standards.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need help to import your standards into Auditool.


Auditool integrates a principle of tickets to report any kind of incident or submit an idea.

To open the ticket center, open the Auditool homepage and click on the icon  in the top right corner.


Unfortunately, this is not yet possible. Please contact us via the contact tab at the top left of the site for this.

We are currently working on this project and this feature should be in place during 2021.


To change your Auditool license, you can write us a message via the "Contact" tab at the top right of the site.


No, there is no limit to the number of audits you can create in the Auditool.